Water Safety this Summer

Water Safety this Summer

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Please join Dr. Julia Frith with the KyIP Training Center as she talks about safety tips around water safety in the summer. https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-swimming/safety/how-to-safely-visit-oceans-lakes-and-rivers.html https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/bam/safety/water-safety.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stzYo5vHl5c
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Preventing Insect-borne Illnesses

Preventing Insect-borne Illnesses

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Please join Vanessa Fisk, BSN, RN with the KyIP Training Center as she discusses helpful tips to prevent insect-borne illnesses. Please join Vanessa Fisk, BSN, RN with the KyIP Training Center as she discusses helpful tips to prevent insect-borne illnesses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6YuFL8TGCc
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Updated CDC’s Respiratory Virus Guidance

Updated CDC’s Respiratory Virus Guidance

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In this video Dr. Julia Frith of the Kentucky Infection Prevention (KyIP) Training Center highlights some of the updated respiratory virus guidance from the CDC. To see the full updated guidance from the CDC visit https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/guidance/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/guidance/respiratory-virus-guidance.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k2Y1Mj-5sM
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Summer Skin Infections

Summer Skin Infections

Homepage, Latest Articles from KyIP
Summer is here, bringing along hot temperatures. Enjoying activities like hiking, swimming, and basking in the sun is a highlight of the season. However, spending time outdoors also increases the risk of sunburn, insect bites, and contact with poisonous plants. Implementing preventative measures is crucial to fully enjoy these activities without unwanted consequences. Everyone over the age of 6 months should wear sunscreen when in the sun. People can also wear clothing that covers the skin, hats, and can utilize shady areas. Sunburns are uncomfortable, but are also a major cause of skin cancer, which affects nearly a quarter of all adults. The American Academy of Dermatology offers recommendations to help prevent common summer skin problems, including sunburn. These guidelines, found in "12 Summer Skin Problems You Can Prevent" (aad.org),…
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Simple Infection Prevention Steps for a Safe Summer

Simple Infection Prevention Steps for a Safe Summer

Homepage, Latest Articles from KyIP, News Articles
With summer vacations in full swing, taking precautionary infection prevention measures will prevent derailment of the summer fun. Whether your vacation keeps you close to home or takes you to an international destination, hand hygiene remains the cornerstone of infection prevention. The following additional precautions can keep help keep you happy and healthy this summer! Preventing Foodborne Illnesses: Travelers’ diarrhea, generally contracted from contaminated food or water and transmitted via the fecal oral route, is the most common travel-related illness with estimates ranging from 30-70% of travelers impacted (CDC, 2023). Be sure to discuss travel plans ahead of time with your provider as they may want to provide oral rehydration salts or medications to have on hand in case they are needed. Certain measures can help reduce the risk, however…
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Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Misconceptions, Facts, and Prevention

Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Misconceptions, Facts, and Prevention

Homepage, Latest Articles from KyIP
Cancer—a heavy, scary, daunting diagnosis. Millions of Americans are affected by cancer every year, either themselves or someone they know. Technology is advancing at the speed of light, and for years now we have had access to a vaccine that prevents Human Papillomavirus (HPV), indirectly preventing many types of cancer, especially cervical cancer. It might sound strange to call the HPV vaccine an anti-cancer shot. However, when it prevents over 90% of HPV related cancers, it’s hard to explain it any other way. National Women's Health Week (May 12th-18th) is a pivotal time to spotlight the significance of the HPV vaccine in safeguarding women's health. By emphasizing the HPV vaccine in our newsletter during this month, we underscore the critical role it plays in preventing cervical cancer and promoting overall…
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Spring (and the illnesses associated with it) is here!

Spring (and the illnesses associated with it) is here!

March 19th marked the first day of spring. With the longer days and warmer weather, we are all spending time more outdoors - enjoying a picnic, walking or hiking, attending a sporting event, or playing a sport ourselves! However, with the change in weather comes an increased risk for tick and mosquito bites, bee stings, GI illnesses, and allergies. Luckily there are prevention strategies that can be used to decrease the risk that these ailments will affect you and ruin your spring time fun. Seasonal Allergies  Spring brings pollen, ragweed, and other allergens. Allergy suffers may develop runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, and/or red, watery eyes. There are several actions you can take to reduce your exposure to allergens, including: Limiting time outdoors Using a HEPA filter inside to filter allergens…
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Read the 2023 Annual Report

Read the 2023 Annual Report

KyIP-Annual-Report-2023-2Download It's here! We are thrilled to announce the release of our 2023 Annual Report, providing an insightful overview of the remarkable progress and achievements over the past year. Highlights of the 2023 Annual Report: Empowering Lives Through Education: Explore the impact of our training programs on individuals and communities. Witness inspiring stories of personal and professional growth achieved through KyIP's commitment to quality education. Innovative Training Approaches: Delve into the innovative teaching methodologies and technologies. Discover how we are continuously adapting to the evolving educational landscape to provide a cutting-edge learning experience. Expansion and Training Developments: Learn about the expansion initiatives and program developments that have enhanced our capacity to serve more learners.  Industry Partnerships and Collaborations: Explore our strategic collaborations with industry leaders and organizations. Understand how these…
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