Safe Injection Practice this Flu Season

Influenza (flu) season is quickly approaching and according to the CDC the yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends the Influenza vaccine for all persons over six months of age, who do not have contraindications. There are close to 3.5 million adults in the state of Kentucky. If all of these individuals were eligible for the flu vaccine that could be up to 3.5 million influenza vaccine injections. It is critical that safe injection practices are followed during each patient encounter to ensure patient and staff safety. Every year there are outbreaks associated with unsafe injection practices and since 2001 over 150,000 patients have been involved in outbreak notification and testing. The CDC One & Only campaign highlights the rule of One Needle, One Syringe, One Time as a strategy to following safe injection practices. Additionally, proper storage of the vaccine, knowledge if the vial is single or multi dose, ensuring that the vial septum is scrubbed and intact prior to accessing are also critical factors in safe injection practices. By following these recommendations, we can safely administer thousands of influenza vaccines to our community.

Taking Action: Protect Yourself and Others – Get Vaccinated!
Getting vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 is an impactful step towards safeguarding your health and that of your patients, and your community.

Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:

  1. Confirm Your Eligibility: Ask your provider if you are eligible for the COVID-19 bivalent vaccine.
  2. Schedule Your Vaccination Appointments: Reach out to your healthcare provider or your local health department to set up appointments for both influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations.
  3. Encourage Loved Ones: Share this newsletter with your friends, family, and coworkers to spread awareness about the vital role vaccination and safe injection practices play in protecting our communities.

Remember: Once you are vaccinated, continue following recommended safety guidelines found in the links below to ensure ongoing protection for yourself and others.

Click the links below to learn more about safe injection practice this flu season.