Menu of Services

Are you ready to elevate your IP program? Always up to date. Always free.


KyIP Training Center offers a comprehensive suite of free services designed to train, mentor, and educate healthcare organizations in both acute care and long-term care facilities. With access to a wide range of resources, we support your efforts in maintaining a high standard of infection control and prevention. Our team of experts is dedicated to working closely with you, fostering a culture of safety that protects the health and well-being of everyone in your care.

Project Firstline

Project Firstline is the Center for Disease Control’s national training collaborative for infection prevention and control

Project Firstline

Project Firstline is designed for everyone working in healthcare, regardless of previous training or educational background.
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Project Firstline Video Library

Access PFL video resources designed to equip healthcare professionals with knowledge and skills

PFL Resource Library

Accessible and visually engaging content, the Project Firstline Video Library empowers individuals to become proactive infection prevention advocates in their respective healthcare settings.
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Continuing Education Learning Center

Access free continuing education credits and resources

Continuing Education Library

The CE resource library features a broad set of infectious disease and infection control topics that meets the needs of the fully array of healthcare providers and workers.
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Bite-Sized Education

10-15 minute targeted training sessions

Bite-Sized Education

Offering bite-sized, easily digestible modules that enable learners to absorb essential infection prevention concepts effectively empowering healthcare professionals to create safer and healthier environments for all.
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Infection Prevention Mentorship

Establish, refine, or build your program

IP Mentorship

Engage with experts and learn more about what is included in mentorship, gain access to mentorship resources, and training resources.
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Simulation Training

Onsite or virtual infection prevention training sessions

Simulation Unit

The Simulation Unit is your destination for immersive, practical learning experiences that will empower your staff to excel in the crucial field of infection control. Intended for both hospitals and long-term care facilities, we’ll bring the training to you live, in-person or virtually.
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Germ Alert Vlog

Get the latest updates and important information about health information and infection prevention topics from the KyIP Training Center video-log or VLOG.

Germ Alert Vlog

These short videos are intended to be informative and quick, for the infection preventionist on the go!
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News and Articles

Find the latest articles, newsletters, and social media content here.

News and Articles

Read the latest in infection prevention and control news. View articles and videos.
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Grand Rounds Video Series

Access free continuing education credits and resources

Continuing Education Library

Grand Rounds series presents topics that are timely and impactful in areas of infectious diseases and infection control research and practice.
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IP Educational Series

Virtual sessions designed to equip healthcare workers with the latest knowledge and strategies in infection prevention

IP Educational Series

Whether you’re new to the field or spent your career in infection prevention, our interactive webinars provide valuable insights and practical tools to enhance your IP knowledge.
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Scheduled Office Hours

Drop in any time during the hour and spend as little as 5 minutes or take the full hour to chat with experts.

Scheduled Office Hours

Join an infection prevention expert every Tuesday afternoon from noon - 1:00 pm EST
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Resource Library

On-demand resources from the CDC, APIC, local and federal agencies

Resource Library

On-demand resources from the CDC, APIC, local and federal agencies
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