Mentorship: Water Management, What is the Splash Zone?

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Water Management, What is the Splash Zone? Discover the critical splash zone around sinks, notorious for contaminated water particles. Vital to keeping patients safe, it's crucial to keep patient care items clear of the splash zone. Water harbors germs, posing risks. Watch our video to see the impact on items in this zone. Splash Zone Sinks and drains have been found to harbor biofilm and opportunistic pathogens, even MDROs. Keeping items, especially patient care items, away from the splash zone around the sink is vital to prevent infections. Watch as this healthcare worker washes their hands, and inadvertently contaminates the items around the sink. I'm interested. Connect with KyIP
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Mentorship: Chlorhexidine Bathing

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Chlorhexidine Bathing Utilizing chlorhexidine bathing as infection prevention tool can be beneficial but also confusing. Who gets one, and when? This presentation outlines the purpose of CHG bathing, recommendations for patient selection, and provides simulated activities for an enhanced learning experience sure to fortify your understanding. Utilizing Simulation Techniques for Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Bathing Presentation Infection prevention and control practices are important for decreasing the risk of infections, as well as managing the spread of infection. This presentation focuses on CHG bathing as a tool to prevent infection in a variety of areas. Correct Steps to Perform Chlorhexidine Gluconate Bath Video Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) bathing is used to prevent infections in many situations and settings in healthcare. Use this video as a tool to learn how to properly perform…
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Mentorship: Surgical Site Infections (SSI)

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Surgical Site Infections (SSI) Surgical site infections are preventable, and preventative measures often occur before the incision is made. Dive into this presentation to enhance your knowledge of preventing surgical site infections. Simulations on skin prep, post-op wound contamination, and antiseptic product selection bring knowledge to application. What resources are included with mentorship? Surgical Site Infection-Skin Antisepsis Presentation Surgical site infections can impact patient outcomes, healthcare costs, and hospital resources. This presentation dives into the importance of skin antisepsis and sterile technique in the prevention of surgical site infections. Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (SSI): Pre-operative Antibiotics Presentation Antibiotics play an important part pre-operatively in the prevention of surgical site infections. This presentation discusses risk factors of surgical site infections, the role of antibiotics in…
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Mentorship: Standard Precautions

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Standard Precautions The basics of infection prevention starts here. Join in for an enlightening presentation on seemingly simple activities that make a big impact. Learn the core elements of standard precautions and how to apply those to daily to protect yourself and your patients. Germs invisible to the eye come to light through simulation showing standard precautions are vital. What resources are included in mentorship? Standard Precautions Presentation Standard precautions are the minimum infection prevention practices applicable to all forms of patient care. This presentation guides you through the significance of standard precautions in infection prevention, key components of implementation, and simulations strategies to address adherence issues. Correctly Donning and Doffing Gloves Video Putting on and taking off gloves seems simple, but did you know there is actually a…
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Mentorship: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Learn the importance of CAUTI prevention through these immersive activities on insertion with sterile technique and identifying possible sources of contamination. This presentation will train the eye to connect common errors to infection risks. Practice these simulated experiences to enrich you facility with knowledge to drive down CAUTI rates. What resources are included in mentorship? CAUTI: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Presentation This presentation guides you through the CAUTI module from background information to simulation, as well as debriefing. This guided presentation contains multiple media assets that can be used for CAUTI education. Catheter Insertion Using Sterile Technique Video This video serves as the correct how-to for inserting a urinary catheter with sterile technique. With the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) being high…
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Mentorship: Blood Cultures

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Blood Cultures Reducing the number of blood culture contaminations is a goal for the majority of healthcare systems. By focusing on likely moments when contamination might occur, these simulated experiences demonstrate best practices to prevent said contamination. From skin antisepsis, to scrubbing the rubber septa this presentation is sure to leave an impression. What resources are included with mentorship? Blood Culture Collection Educational Packet This comprehensive packet gives an in depth background on PPE, PPE simulations, and debriefing discussions. This packet will guide you through a train-the-trainer approach for you to gain the knowledge necessary to train your staff on the importance of PPE. Use of Simulation to Promote Best Practice for Obtaining Blood Cultures Presentation This presentation guides you through the blood culture module from background information to…
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Mentorship: Safe Injection Practices

Mentorship Library
Learn the importance of safe injections practices to provide injections in a safe manner that protects the patient, healthcare worker, and others. In this presentation, elements of aseptic technique relating to injection practices are reviewed. Simulated experiences depict the key differences between multi-dose and single-dose vials. What resources are included in mentorship? Safe Injection Educational Packet This comprehensive packet gives an in depth background on safe injection practices, simulations, and debriefing discussions. This packet will guide you through a train-the-trainer approach for you to gain the knowledge necessary to train your staff on the importance of best practice on safe injections. Safe Injection Practices Presentation This presentation guides you through the safe injection practices module from background information to simulation, as well as debriefing. This guided presentation contains multiple media…
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Mentorship: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal protective equipment (PPE) protects both the wearer and those around us. Learn about the various types of PPE, as well as when and how to use them. The use of simulations throughout this presentation provide visual examples that reinforce the importance of PPE use. What resources are included in mentorship? Personal Protective Equipment Educational Packet This comprehensive packet gives an in depth background on PPE, PPE simulations, and debriefing discussions. This packet will guide you through a train-the-trainer approach for you to gain the knowledge necessary to train your staff on the importance of PPE. Personal Protective Equipment Presentation This presentation is available to guide visual and auditory learners on the background, simulations, and debriefing of the PPE module. This is a complement to…
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Mentorship: Hand Hygiene and Asepsis

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Hand Hygiene and Asepsis Hand hygiene serves as one the best methods for reducing the spread of infection. Simulated experiences in this presentation illustrate how our hands can spread pathogens and how hand hygiene reduces pathogen transmission. Elements of aseptic technique are reviewed and contrasted against clean technique. What resources are included with mentorship? Hand Hygiene and Asepsis Educational Packet This comprehensive packet gives an in depth background on hand hygiene and asepsis, simulations, and debriefing discussions. This packet will guide you through a train-the-trainer approach for you to gain the knowledge necessary to train your staff on the importance of best practice on hand hygiene and asepsis. Hand Hygiene and Antisepsis Presentation This presentation guides you through the hand hygiene module from background information to simulation, as well…
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Mentorship: Cleaning and Disinfecting Medical Devices

Mentorship Library
Mentorship: Cleaning and Disinfecting Medical Devices Cleaning and disinfecting medical devices that are not disposable is part of everyday care. Learn how reusable medical equipment impacts pathogen transmission, and review the types of disinfectants used to prevent this transmission. The Spaulding Classification is used as a guide in this session as we apply knowledge into practice minimizing the risk of pathogen transfer. What resources are included in mentorship? Cleaning and Disinfecting Reusable Medical Equipment Educational Packet This comprehensive packet gives an in depth background on cleaning and disinfection, simulations, and debriefing discussions. This packet will guide you through a train-the-trainer approach for you to gain the knowledge necessary to train your staff on the importance of best practice on cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning and Disinfection Presentation This presentation guides you…
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