Mentorship: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)

Mentorship: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)

Learn the importance of CAUTI prevention through these immersive activities on insertion with sterile technique and identifying possible sources of contamination. This presentation will train the eye to connect common errors to infection risks. Practice these simulated experiences to enrich you facility with knowledge to drive down CAUTI rates.

What resources are included in mentorship?

CAUTI: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Presentation

This presentation guides you through the CAUTI module from background information to simulation, as well as debriefing. This guided presentation contains multiple media assets that can be used for CAUTI education.

Catheter Insertion Using Sterile Technique Video

This video serves as the correct how-to for inserting a urinary catheter with sterile technique. With the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) being high with indwelling catheters, practicing this routine in a simulated environment is highly beneficial. 

Contaminated Catheter Placement Video

Watch as this nurse inserts a urinary catheter during this simulated experience. Can you spot the points where contamination occurred? Use this technique to highlight the moments that make a patient vulnerable a CAUTI.

Contaminated Urine Culture Still Photo Series

Collecting urine cultures from indwelling catheters should only be done per your facility’s policy and procedures. The risk of contamination is high due to inadequate cleaning and biofilm. View these still photos to see the risks of contamination without appropriate cleaning.

Identify the Problems Still Photo Series

A patient with an indwelling Foley catheter is at risk for a CAUTI. There are practices that should be followed to decrease this risk. Use this still photo series to test your knowledge by spotting the errors.  

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