Infection Source Control: Staying Healthy During the Holidays and Beyond

Infection Source Control: Staying Healthy During the Holidays and Beyond

Spending time with friends and family during the holiday season are cherished moments. Unfortunately, the holiday season is often respiratory illness season. While some people enjoy time with their loved ones, others dedicate their time caring for patients in healthcare facilities. With the season fast approaching, let’s prioritize staying healthy, wherever your holiday plans may take you, by embracing source control measures. Respiratory illnesses spread easily throughout communities due to the highly contagious pathogens easily aerosolizing when coughing or sneezing. Individuals become infected by inhaling these pathogens or by touching a contaminated surface, followed by contact with their mucous membrane. With the steady upward trend of respiratory viruses this season, prevention is crucial. As of November 11, 2023, CDC estimates that influenza alone has led to nearly 800,000 illnesses this…
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Respiratory Illness: How to avoid antibiotic overuse through education

Respiratory Illness: How to avoid antibiotic overuse through education

Latest Articles from KyIP
It’s that time of year again when respiratory illnesses show up around the community in higher numbers and provider’s offices, clinics, and emergency rooms are filling up with people seeking treatment. So, the question is do they need antibiotics or supportive care?The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) lists respiratory infections as colds/runny nose, sore throat, excluding group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (strep throat), COVID-19, influenza, bronchitis or a chest cold, middle ear infections, sinus infections, and pertussis, epiglottitis and laryngitis (1,2). So when might you need to prescribe an antibiotic? Antibiotics would be appropriate for patients who test positive for pertussis, strep throat, or have epiglottitis. However, for other respiratory infections, the need for an antibiotics is based on presentation, duration of…
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ICYMI- 2023 Infection Prevention Bootcamp In Person Event

ICYMI- 2023 Infection Prevention Bootcamp In Person Event

Archived than 300 healthcare professionals joined us for the 2023 Infection Prevention Bootcamp presented by the Kentucky Infection Prevention Training Center.  The two day, in person event and the day long virtual event, featured presentations from various infection prevention experts across a wide variety of topics.  Each in person day concluded with a hands-on experience where attendees had the opportunity to practice infection prevention techniques.  The days was packed full of valuable learnings for all.  Downloadable resources from 2023 Kentucky Infection Prevention Boot CampMedical Device ChecklistCDC Process for assessing products for infection prevention in healthcare settings: A framework from HICPACInfection Prevention Boot Camp Slide DecksDay 1 & 2: PresentationsDay 3: Virtual Presentations Previous Next
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Enhanced Barrier Precautions for multi-drug-resistant organisms

Enhanced Barrier Precautions for multi-drug-resistant organisms

Latest Articles from KyIP
Transmission of multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDROs) has a high impact on skilled nursing residents. Infections with these pathogens are difficult to treat and limited treatments are available. Preventing the transmission of multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDROs) among skilled nursing residents is imperative. (CDC, 2021) In 2019 the CDC introduced the Enhanced barrier precautions (EBP) as a way to help prevent spread of MDRO’s. EBP are a set of infection control measures used in skilled nursing facilities to reduce the risk of spreading infections, particularly those that may be transmitted through contact with bodily fluids, respiratory secretions, or contaminated surfaces. These precautions go above and beyond the standard precautions, and are typically implemented when dealing with patients who are known or suspected to have highly contagious MDROs (CDC, 2022). Enhanced barrier precautions expand the…
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Safe Injection Practice this Flu Season

Safe Injection Practice this Flu Season

News Articles
Influenza (flu) season is quickly approaching and according to the CDC the yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends the Influenza vaccine for all persons over six months of age, who do not have contraindications. There are close to 3.5 million adults in the state of Kentucky. If all of these individuals were eligible for the flu vaccine that could be up to 3.5 million influenza vaccine injections. It is critical that safe injection practices are followed during each patient encounter to ensure patient and staff safety. Every year there are outbreaks associated with unsafe injection practices and since 2001 over 150,000 patients have been involved in outbreak notification and testing. The CDC One…
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